Tuesday, July 26, 2005

I'm a happy girl....Pedram asked me to marry him on July 1, 2005 and I have happily, ecstatically accepted.

He's the biz-omb. And we are going to be super biz-omb together!


Pedram Keyani said...
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Pedram Keyani said...

Yeah, I asked her to marry me and amazingly she said yes :-)

Unknown said...

Ran, you and Pedram both are the biz-omb! I love you guys!

Raheleh said...

Um, thanks Dave. But my name is Rah! :)

Unknown said...

Oh crap, I can't believe I put a n where an h should be. That's what I get for waking up at 10am I guess.

Sorry RaH! :-)

fast-talking-dame said...

Rah, I have been hearing about you for six years from Wendy and from everything she has said, you are an amazing, fantastic, fabulous person. Congraulations x 10 to you both!!